Nowadays, I must say its difficult to espouse your political beliefs without someone playing the victim card and whining and complaining over it.
You would think I'm one of the Repignicans based on that, right?
I'm an unashamed Progressive who wants nothing more than to see the so called Liberal Agenda as the Right calls it fulfilled. I am not ashamed of what I am, nor will I talk gently about these subjects.
To start my blog, lets talk about the 2012 Election. Well, mainly the comedy that is the Republican Primary. Its basically a circus of amazing stupidity as some of the dumbest people I have ever seen humiliate each other on camera.
They say some of the most outrageous things, and then, just try and spin it away, saying that "that's not what I meant at all", or "you took what I said out of context", or some bullshit like that.
Well, if I was interviewing one of them, I'd show I have balls by holding the fucker to what he says. If he says something racist, I won't let him change it to some Blah People bullshit!
That said, I gotta say Rick Fecalmatter's latest ad was so, so funny. Rombo busts in and takes aim with a gun loaded with Santorum to fire at Santorum.
Hey bro, I heard you like some Santorum in your Santorum, you all know the meme.
We will see which candidate bullshits his way to the top, be it Frothy Rick, Elitist Romney, or Herr Paul.
All the same, I am moving outta this country if a Fundamentalist Nutjob like Rick Santorum becomes President. A Reich under Ron Paul would certainly be disastrous...but really fun to watch go down after one term!
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